vessels part 2
screenprint and gouache 
14,8 x 21 cm  
"You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for hundred miles through the desert repenting. 
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves."

Mary Oliver
segment of 'Wild Geese' from 'Devotions' 

Everything is always moving. Change is constant. All flows and goes, without much to hold onto.
This ongoing project, Vessels, began 1,5 years ago and started out by my fascination for stones: these strong solid shapes that through time, space and movement found their form and place in the world.
A single stone is part of something much bigger. A stone changes but also remains the same. A stone wears its history, while at the same time its future. Stones will outlive us, maybe that makes them something nice to hold on to in this fleeting ungraspable-ness that life can sometimes be. 
So far this project has three series, with each part representing a moment in time and place that I wanted to hold on to a little longer: the stillness of the dry Spanish desert, the mythical dreams of Greece, and the duality of Rotterdam, the place that I was born. 
In search of many things but mainly my place among the stones, Vessels is an attempt to embrace and hold close the ever changing and flowing of life and step by step go along with it.
photo's by Stijn Brakkee